The service charge is payable by producers who sell cattle and by producers who feed and slaughter their own cattle. Any service charge paid by, or on behalf of, a producer is refundable to that producer on request of that producer. A producer may request a refund of all, or a portion of, the service charge paid.

The refund is only available to Alberta residents selling or feeding and slaughtering cattle in Alberta. When non-Alberta residents sell cattle in Alberta the purchaser or livestock dealer is deducting and remitting the Canadian Beef Cattle Checkoff (national checkoff) and not the ABP Service Charge. The national checkoff is collected by ABP on behalf of the Canadian Beef Checkoff Agency (the Agency) and is paid to the Agency for national beef cattle research, marketing and promotion. The Agency pays a portion of the national checkoff to the provincial cattle association in the province where the seller resides. When an Alberta resident sells cattle in another province, the provincial cattle association in that province is, in turn, collecting the national checkoff from the Alberta producer. The national checkoff is non-refundable.

Checkoff Refunds

Some Link to download
Refund Submissions Template XLS
ABP Service Charge Refund Request Instructions

Checkoff Remittances

The ABP National Levy and Service Charge, and the National Agency's Federal Levy are collected by ABP. All funds are used either by ABP to promote and develop the cattle industry in Alberta, or by the National Agency for national beef cattle marketing, promotion and research. If you have any questions regarding the ABP Service Charge or the Federal Levy, please contact the ABP office at (403) 275-4400.

Statement of Check-off Deductions for first time remitters.