Government Policy and Regulation
Learn about ABP’s position on government policy and other important issues.
Government Policy
Labour and Farm Safety
Land Use
- ABP's Bighorn Country Parks and Public Land Use Zones briefing document
- ABP's Bighorn Country Proposal Public Consultation submission
- ABP's Castle Park Letter
- Castle Park Submission
- Castle Park Management Plan
- Alberta Environment and Parks Letter to ABP Regarding Castle Park Management Plan
- Livingstone-Porcupine Recreation Management plan
- ABP's Livingstone-Porcupine Hills Management Plans Comments
- ABP Letter to Minister Phillips - Grazing Leases
Meat Inspection
- Meat Inspection Act
- Meat Inspection Regulation in Alberta
- AF Appointed Meat inspector List
- ABP's On-farm Inspection for Salvage Meat Recommendations
- Wildlife Act
- Wildlife Regulation
- Alberta Livestock Industry Wildlife Regulation and Act Recommended Changes
- Alberta Livestock Industry Wildllife Regulations Letter March 2020
Livestock Identification and Commerce Act
The Livestock Identification and Commerce Act (LICA) and Regulations came into effect on January 1, 2009.
- Click Here for an overview of the Livestock Identification and Commerce Act.
- Click Here for a Livestock Identification and Commerce Act Communique.